Opening and Closing Speech for Workshop on Curriculum Review


· Excellencies,

· Distinguished Guests,

· All Community Members of Admas University,

· Dear all Participants of this Workshop!

· Ladies and Gentleman!

First of all, because you have come here to take part in our workshop, because you have accepted and respected our invitation and above all because you have indeed valued our university, I must take this opportunity to say thank you and welcome to our workshop!

Dear Participants!

As you all are well cognizant of, curriculum is a dynamic entity. It is dynamic because it is embodied within and by several multifaceted variables.

These variables can emanate among others from the needs of individuals and the society, the industry, from government’s directions, various regulatory bodies and so on and so forth!

Owing to these and other driving factors, we have found it essential to organize a workshop to review some of our curricula!

Thisis, the purpose we are here together, therefore! So, wishing to all of us to have an attractive and fruitful deliberation, I once and again want to say welcome and thank you for your coming!

Now, without further ado, let me declare that the workshop is officially opened!!!

Closing Speech for a workshop on Curriculum Review


Honorable Guests!

Dear all participants!

I presume you have enjoyed the workshop! At any rate, I assure you that we will incorporate your valuable comments and reconsider some of your trenchant criticisms and eventually get endorsed by the Senate! Thus, let me appreciate and thank you all on behalf of myself and my University’s community.

Dear Readers, please accept our heartfelt thanks and appreciations for everything you have done!

My thanks and commandments also go to the moderator,facilitator, our rappourters and coordinators of this workshop!

Finally, please accept my applause, commotion, admiration and sincerely cherished thanks to all of you here!

Thank you very much for everything!

Molla Tsegay (PhD)


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